About Coaching

Coaching is Different for Everyone

Some of you can begin to make healthier food and lifestyle choices and see shifts in your health outcomes--for the better in 30 days.

Some of you will feel better when you reconnect to your sense of purpose and start navigating by Your Inner Compass and take steps to Make Your Life Come True.

Some of You will be ready to live a Soul-Full Life and be in Alignment with Your Core Values.Some of you are entrepreneurs that are ready to run Soul-Led Mission-Centered Businesses.

Whatever part of your life that You Want to Transform... AND IF you are ready to make a change--I'll ask you to commit to yourself, and to take consistent deliberate empowered actions. You will move mountains.

​You can have what you want.

Youcan feel deeply connected to purpose.

You can Create a Life You LOVE.​​

What Do You Want?

If you want something different in your life,

if you want something to change...

Simply Choose Coaching.

Habit Change Research

Statistics tell us that 98% of dieters fail. That means that only 2% succeed. Most people have had the same "goal" or New Year's resolution for over 10 years. Why is that? Because change is hard. The 2% that succeed are doing something that the 98% are not. They have support, and accountability. They are taking action. They are doing the work and sticking to it... but it is not about sheer will power... (It's about neuroscience, and human behavior.)

Science tells us that it takes 30 days to change a habit, and 60 days to instill a new habit. That's 90 days of being mindful, and making the change habit. It is human behavior to take the path of least resistance--even with our thoughts. IF we want to take a new path, we have to quite literally hack a new path in the jungle--and take it, more frequently than then old path. We need to trod the new path--until it become the well worn path. IF that is the way we want to go, we need to consciously, and deliberately take the path, until i path of least resistance. Habit Research also shows that for deep lasting change--you need an additional 275 days to rewire your limiting beliefs, and kick old patterns to the curb. It is the consistent action over time that creates lasting change.

Do the math, a complete rewire and total transformation is about committing to 1 year of intention,

taking deliberate action, and rewiring those old outdated beliefs. I love this. I want this for you. Do You?

Very Intentional People

  • Are ready for a change.

  • Know they need support.

  • Are ready to develop a plan.

  • Learn to rewire their thoughts and beliefs.

  • Take bold consistent action toward what they desire.

  • Stay the Course - They Do It Until...

Voila! ~ They Transform their Lives --For Good!

About Coaching

Coaching is Different for Everyone

I think I've always been a coach--even in kindergarten, I was the kid who listened to the teacher's instructions, and led the other children through the exercise. I can see myself sitting cross legged in a circle leading the group.

I love sharing resources with my clients. I lend books, suggest articles and classes, and host workshops. I have learned that reading a book, taking a class, or visiting a website--for most of us--doesn't create behavior change.

In 2011 I found myself saying repeatedly, "If I had known I was going to be this passionate about food, l'd have become a Naturopath." In 2016, one of my CranioSacral clients told me that she thought of me as her Life Coach. I chose to pursue certification in coaching so that I would understand the psychological, and physiological aspects of behavior change.

My training is based in neuro-linguistic programing (NLP) which helps people identify limiting beliefs and move past them. It's like updating old software on your computer. Coaching has been the missing link in my manual therapy practice--helping people create transformation in their health and their lives.

There is something alchemical in the coaching relationship. With the right system, the right support, and the right accountability my clients move mountains--and the changes they make LASTS--FOR GOOD.

On Having a Coach

IF you want something in your life... you need to develop skills and exert effort.

No one knows how to roll a sea kayak without consistent practice!​

My Experience of Being Coached

  • I feel deeply heard, and valued (even when I fall off track).

  • With a coach, it feels like my goals are easily in reach.

  • I appreciate that I have someone who doesn't buy my Big Story (BS).

  • I love having a support person that encourages me to dig deeper when I am up against it, triggered, or in an ineffective spin

  • I value having a coach to be accountable to, as I develop goals and take empowered action steps.

  • My coach is the safe place for me to give voice to, and grow my BIG dreams and plans.

  • My coach helps me clarify the direction I want to go, and the best next step to get there.

  • My coach keeps me on track when I want to squirrel out--they remind me of what I say I want.

  • I get amazing results, that I don't get on my own.

What Do You Want?

If you want something different in your life,

if you want something to Change--For Good...

Simply Choose Coaching.

Monika Adams, M.Ed., LMT


[email protected]

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~ Designed by Monika Adams ~